The story is a harrowing-tormented-horror tale of good vs. evil. Maxwell is hooked with anger and it starts to consume his soul until he realizes he is grappling with demons. Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, plagues Max to commit suicide to end his chaos. Destiny drops max right into the hands of the Fishers, Emma and Lester. After Max finds sanctuary under Emma's roof, a string of wicked events brings down an avalanche of evil upon Max and everyone attempting to help him. Priests, rabbi's and his new found friends all fight and die attempting to aid Max which culminates into a battle against Satan himself. Testing all of their will's to believe in a higher path...or allow The Devil to conquer.
The story is a harrowing-tormented-horror tale of good vs. evil. Maxwell is hooked with anger and it starts to consume his soul until he realizes he is grappling with demons. Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, plagues Max to commit suicide to end his chaos. Destiny drops max right into the hands of the Fishers, Emma and Lester. After Max finds sanctuary under Emma's roof, a string of wicked events brings down an avalanche of evil upon Max and everyone attempting to help him. Priests, rabbi's and his new found friends all fight and die attempting to aid Max which culminates into a battle against Satan himself. Testing all of their will's to believe in a higher path...or allow The Devil to conquer.
Categories: Horror